Thursday, March 17, 2011

Little Man learning to crawl

This is a bittersweet moment for me, with little man learning to crawl means he will be able to move around by himself a lot better needing me less. I know it has to happen, but why must this happen so soon? I miss holding him carrying him around, him solely needing me. I know that sounds kinda pathetic but its not that easy watching your little guy grow up.
While we aren't exactly crawling per se, we are almost there. Little man can now pop up into the crawl position and slide one knee forward, he does immediately collapse under the stress of the movement but he always moves forward. I like to help me out with practicing by taking one of his toys and placing it a few inches out of his reach. He likes to go for it, but once he can get it forget it its just time to roll over onto our back and eat the toy. I know he will be crawling in no time though.
Now the frustrating part of all this, BABY PROOFING! Eeeekkk! I have no idea where to begin, I mean sure cover the outlet with plugs and buy baby gates so he doesn't fall down the stairs. But is there more to it than that, and with baby gating the stairs how will I give Sage (our mini schnauzer) her exercise? We like to throw her toys down to the bottom of the stairs, have her fetch and then run back up. This whole crawling thing is going to be frustrating at first I can tell.