Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ok updates as its been FOREVER

Ok so updates into my world.
Little man has learned to pull up. Now this is a wonderful thing and a horrible thing all at the same time. For starters, I love seeing him grow and learn and being able to accomplish new tasks. BUT this means its time to lower his bed, he falls over a lot (but that brings odd joy moments for me because he needs me), and he is further terrorizing Sage (ok thats just funny).
Little man has also started up with his new word? phrase? I dont know which you want to call it but his thing is 'ma-ma-ma' or 'mom-mama'. The ruling is still out on that since its not a specific word its and sound uttered multiple times. He makes this new sound when he is hurt and needs love, is hungry and wants boobie OR when he crawls up to me and wants to be held (i.e. sleep). BUT its the only thing he says constantly with a purpose. He will every now and then utter 'da-da-da' but its a rareity. Poor Chris :(
We are trying new foods too! We have not only mastered the new food delivery system of hand to mouth YAY! but in doing so we now eat flavored rice puffs and yogurt melts YUM YUM. He likes both until they get shriveled up and almost all gone then he spits them out like I fed him poisin. I think Sage is going to get fat with all the goodies he keeps throwing her.
In the world of the parents i.e. Chris and me, not a whole lot is going on. Looks like we will be leaving this humid jailhouse around late July now :( makes me sad we will be here longer. But its ok as long as we are back in California by little man's first birthday all will be ok. I would hate to see all our family and friends miss out because no one wants to come visit us. I do feel a little irritated about that, but what can you do? Because apparently visiting family is a one sided thing, its our responsibility not theirs GRRRR. Ok over it (maybe).
Sage went to the vet today, she got the A-OK check from them, which is always good. And we were very pleased with her lack of freaking out while being at Petsmart (where the vet is) when she met lots of other doggies. She really does need better socialization, and some more training but we will get there eventually.

OOOOoooooo I am starting my own business I can now say I am a SAHM & WAHM, or does WAHM cover the SAHM part? I dont know, who cares really. But I am uber excited for it, hopefully people will want to buy the things I make, I mean its not the best thing out (I dont claim it to be) but I think they are pretty special. Either way as long as things get bought and I can do something with my free time it will be worth it. I am in no way hoping to go global with this at all.

Ok I think that about wraps it up for us, hope you have a great week too :D